Friday, August 31, 2007

John 3:18

"He who believes in Him is not condemned; but he who does not believe is condemned already, because he has not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God." John 3:18

"Don't condemn me." We here this type of lingo all the time. In many Christian circles people are moving so far from the idea of judgment toward sinners that they take a very vague stand about everything including God. The best way to condemn someone is not to say a word to them about Jesus. Jesus' words to the pharisees were harsh, but he wasn't here to condemn them. If Jesus wanted to condemn the pharisees he would have never opened his mouth to them. Instead he said things like, "Unless you repent you shall all like wise perish." Luke 3:13. The pharisees were condemned already because they did not believe on the name of the only begotten Son of God!

Let's speak up and share Jesus!

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Pray For A Wind!

Last night in our Bible study we started talking about some new ways of doing ministry. We are starting to plan for some huge evangelism pools. We want to take over our city! The people here at Temple are getting excited about reaching people with the gospel. We are on the verge of an outbreak! I said all of that to say that I just got a call from a good friend here in the church. He wanted to talk a minute about spreading the fire that is burning among us. I thought for a minute and said, "the only way I know to spread a fire is to pray for a WIND!" We need a fresh wind on this fresh fire that is burning.

Spread the Seed-Spread the Fire... There is this ancient seed called the Gospel-if you spread it, a fire begins to burn where it grows.

The Key Is Passionate Diligence
"In the morning sow your seed, And in the evening do not withhold your hand; for you do not know which will prosper, Either this or that, Or whether both alike will be good." Ecclesiastes 11:6 (work hard-don't let anything stop you)

My prayer: Lord every where we spread the seed do your thing to make it grow!

Friday, August 24, 2007

Raise Your Expectations

We expect too little when it comes to reaching people, but too much when it comes to what we want for ourselves.

People are going to Hell, we want a new car, and instead of praying for God's power to witness we are praying for the money to buy the car! God's people must rearrange their priorities and start praying for souls to be saved! The following is my favorite verse in the Bible.

"Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that works within us..." Ephesians 3:20

Raise your expectations about God's power to change lives and he will use you as a tool in the process!

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Friend Day

We have begun 7 weeks of planning and preparation for Friend Day. We expect to have over 200 on September 30th. This will give us the opportunity to share the gospel and our best friend (Jesus) with people that are confused and hopeless. This is an attempt to reach unchurched people, not friends that attend other churches of like faith. Please pray for us as we desire to take over the city of Bald Knob in the next few years!

Pre-Deer Season

I don't think I have ever been so excited about bow hunting. October 1st is just a few weeks away. I've been feeding corn (they are eating it), and buying odds and ins for opening day! Dad and I have a 2 day hunting trip planned in the big Strawberry AR Oct. 1-2. I hope to top last year's eight point on opening morning (wishful thinking never hurt anyone).

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Temple Baptist DVD

Thanks to Jerry Smith “THE VIDEO MAN”, we have an eight (8) minute DVD that members can hand out to friends and neighbors-and immediate learn about our church and Savior. This is a great tool for evangelism. Thanks Jerry!

Monday, August 13, 2007

Tom Slinker

God has absolutely changed a man in our church. Several months ago Tom was a casual once in while attender. He was a member but not very faithful. Three months ago after worship he told me, "Billy, I'm going to join the church now." I said, "I thought you were already a member." He responded, "I am, but I'm REALLY going to join the church!"

Since he told me that he has been to every worship meeting and every Tuesday night Bible study. He has led several people to the Lord, and brings visitors every week. He taught a class for the first time last wednesday night and the students loved it. This man is on fire!

God still changes people-don't ever give up on anyone! Tom's fire is starting to spread!!!!!!

Wednesday, August 08, 2007

My Prayer Today

Lord, today I worship you. I realize that I need you just as much today as the day I was saved. Please take me and use me for your honor and glory. I don't care what the world thinks about my devotion to you, I desire to please you and only you. Accomplish your will in my life. Help me to be kind, loving, and forgiving as I minister to those in my path. I'm sorry that I fail you so often, but I am very thankful for your grace and mercy. Keep me from temptation and the evil one. In Jesus Name. Amen.

Thursday, August 02, 2007

Para Animarle!

Este blog sin acentos es para mis amigos que hablan en español. Mi teclado no le gusta funcionar bien acerca de los acentos en las letras (disculpa).

Buen dia Amigos! Que Dios les bendiga con todo su gracia y misericordia. Espero que se encuentre bien en el lugar que Dios le ha puesto. Le quiero escribir siete cosas importantes para recordarle...

1. Dios quiere estar cerca de usted en cualquier situacion.

2. Dios quiere que se comunique con el todos los dias.

3. Dios quiere que usted estudie su palabra todos los dias.

4. Dios quiere que usted sea un buen testimonio todos los dias (en aciones y palabras).

5. Dios quiere que usted comparta el evangelio con las personas que se encuentre en su camino.

6. Dios quiere que usted tenga una actitud que refleje la de el Señor Jesus.

7. Dios quiere que usted confie en el cada segunda que respire.

"todo lo puedo en Cristo que me fortelece" Filipenses 4:13