Monday, December 17, 2007

I left

I converted!

I moved to a better blog server like the rest and have more options.

Sunday, December 16, 2007


Anybody need anything from Mexico? I will be leaving the 24th and will return on the 5th of January. Since Margarita is finally a resident we get to enjoy Mexico instead of being stuck there! We are spending Christmas with her family. We will be in Chihuahua, Chihuahua Mexico just south of El Paso, TX.

Pastor/Elder & Women???

I came across the below thoughts from a recent post on the M Blog. I am preaching through the book of First Timothy and will be dealing with some very difficult subjects (from a woman's role and speaking in the church to the office of bishop vs. the term pastor). Is the word pastor and elder/bishop used interchangeably or is a pastor a gift/role and not an office? Is a woman allowed to speak in an assembly meeting (according to the Bible)? Here's a QUESTION... Could a woman be a pastor and NOT a bishop/elder? Meaning... Could a woman have a pastoral role and never speak in an assembly? Read the following and share your thoughts?

In the New Testament, a pastor (or shepherd) is one who provides spiritual care for the flock, the local gathering of believers; it is a role or function or gifting. An elder is a local church leader; it is a biblical office and includes the functions of shepherding, teaching, and overseeing (ruling as an authority in the local church).

Alexander Strauch explains further in Biblical Eldership as follows (p. 31-32):

Although the term elder is the predominate New Testament term used to local church leaders and is especially suited to the nature of the new Testament churches, it conveys to the overwhelming majority of Christians and non-Christians today ideas that are different from those found in the New Testament. People today think of church elders as lay, church-board members who are separate and distinct from the professional, ordained pastor (or clergyman). I refer to these elders as “board elders;” they are not true New Testament, Christian elders. They are advisors, committee men, executives, and directors.A true biblical eldership is not a businesslike committee. It’s a biblically qualified council of men that jointly pastors the local church. So to communicate the New Testament idea of eldership, we need to reeducate ourselves as to the New Testament usage of the term elder, and in some cases choose a different term.The New Testament uses [another] to describe local church leaders. The term is overseer [or bishop], and it comes from the Greek word episkopos. The term overseer was a common designation used by Greeks for a variety of officials. In contrast to all priestly or lordly titles, nothing in the title overseer (or elder) violated the local church’s family character, humble-servant nature, or priestly and holy status. The fact that the apostles and first Christians used the term overseer as a synonym for elder demonstrates flexibility in the use of leadership terminology and the desire to communicate effectively among Greek-speaking people.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

The Shack

This little hut doesn't compare to the many mansions my Jesus has prepared in Heaven! ;)
“Let not your heart be troubled; you believe in God, believe also in Me. In My Father’s house are many mansions; if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to Myself; that where I am, there you may be also. And where I go you know, and the way you know.” John 14:1-4
What would you do with a house like this? It has 103 bedrooms! For more craziness click here.

Sunday, December 09, 2007

A Must Read!

Just got this great book in the mail. Thanks to Jonathon Johnson for posting it on his blog several weeks ago. I feel like I need to pay Jonathon since I got it for free. :)

You need to get this book! I just started reading it yesterday and the information is incredible insite into the minds of the people we are trying to reach. The homework has been done. You may not agree with the opinions of the outsiders, but it will give you a heads up on the way unchurched people think. This book is not about letting unchurched people tell us how to do church, but we do need to understand them if we are going to meet them where they are!

Friday, December 07, 2007

Pure Leadership

"Pure Leadership" (in the context of ministry) is leadership with biblical purpose and determination to follow Christ and keep His commands consistently while loving even those who object.

Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Onsite Gatherings

In order for what we do onsite not to become just a routine we have defined the purpose of each onsite gathering. The ultimate goal of each gathering is for those involved to become passionate followers of Jesus Christ. Church Life was never intended to become a routine, but worship. All of the below meetings do not necessarily have a planned agenda for each time they meet, however the purpose remains the same for each.

Sunday School- The purpose of Sunday School is to pray, fellowship, and study the Word in a way that will provoke accountability and change in the daily lifestyle of every believer (disciple of Christ).

Morning Worship- The purpose of MW is to exalt our resurrected Savior through prayer, singing, giving, listening and learning about God, and by change of heart/actions in response to God's Word.

Evening Worship- The purpose of EW is to train the church in the area of making disciples. All lessons are centered around making disciples and then how to help new disciples take the next steps of faith. Common individual members learn how to be a part of the discipleship process (7) days a week!

Women's Bible Study- The purpose of Monday night WBS is to stay in the Word and give those who aren't able to attend other meetings the opportunity to be fed and fellowship with other women of faith.

Manhood- The purpose of Manhood is the spiritual growth of young and middle aged men. It could be described as laid-back leadership training, prayer, and discussing how to be the leaders that God has called men to be in Family Life and Church Life.

Awana- The purpose of AWANA is to teach boys and girls to be approved workers who are not ashamed of Jesus. Boys and Girls learn memory verses and how to work together through organized team games.

Student Ministry- The purpose of SM is to challenge students with the Word and give them the tools and friendships they need to live for Jesus under challenging cultural circumstances.

Adult Bible Study- The purpose of ABS is to encourage and challenge believers with the Word.

CP Tadd Grandstaff Interview on NBC

I post the following interview for information purposes only. However, I would like to know what you think about it?!

Monday, December 03, 2007

CP Training

Go here and listen to the Structure vs. Strategy talk. This is great information for anyone planting a church or considering to do so. (by David Watson)

Sunday, December 02, 2007


Leaders know where they are going and they take people with them! If you consider yourself a leader how many people are following you? If they are following you what are they actually doing? In other words-what are you doing?

Not that anyone comments on my blog anyways... but this will probably get 0 comments. Some of you guys that tell me you read my blog need to start posting your thoughts.

I don't have it all figured out, but I want to learn as much as I can! One of the main reasons I blog is to strecth others and be streched by others.

A Routine Instead Of A Movement

I’ve been praying about my last 2 posts and thinking about what I’m really trying to say and so here goes.

“Church” has become a routine that we DO at a particular location instead of a movement that we are living. A church that is GOING is moving! There is nothing wrong with owning property and stationing church meetings at a particular location, but “Church” is more than meeting at the “House of God.” If the church is the people then those same people are to be actively participating in the mission of making disciples (7) days a week! As one commented, 99% of our communities do not meet at our locations. Why have we been called into the ministry? The answer is to GO MAKE DISCIPLES!

How many of our church members have ever taken part in making one disciple much less involved in this proceess on a daily basis?