Monday, December 17, 2007

I left

I converted!

I moved to a better blog server like the rest and have more options.

Sunday, December 16, 2007


Anybody need anything from Mexico? I will be leaving the 24th and will return on the 5th of January. Since Margarita is finally a resident we get to enjoy Mexico instead of being stuck there! We are spending Christmas with her family. We will be in Chihuahua, Chihuahua Mexico just south of El Paso, TX.

Pastor/Elder & Women???

I came across the below thoughts from a recent post on the M Blog. I am preaching through the book of First Timothy and will be dealing with some very difficult subjects (from a woman's role and speaking in the church to the office of bishop vs. the term pastor). Is the word pastor and elder/bishop used interchangeably or is a pastor a gift/role and not an office? Is a woman allowed to speak in an assembly meeting (according to the Bible)? Here's a QUESTION... Could a woman be a pastor and NOT a bishop/elder? Meaning... Could a woman have a pastoral role and never speak in an assembly? Read the following and share your thoughts?

In the New Testament, a pastor (or shepherd) is one who provides spiritual care for the flock, the local gathering of believers; it is a role or function or gifting. An elder is a local church leader; it is a biblical office and includes the functions of shepherding, teaching, and overseeing (ruling as an authority in the local church).

Alexander Strauch explains further in Biblical Eldership as follows (p. 31-32):

Although the term elder is the predominate New Testament term used to local church leaders and is especially suited to the nature of the new Testament churches, it conveys to the overwhelming majority of Christians and non-Christians today ideas that are different from those found in the New Testament. People today think of church elders as lay, church-board members who are separate and distinct from the professional, ordained pastor (or clergyman). I refer to these elders as “board elders;” they are not true New Testament, Christian elders. They are advisors, committee men, executives, and directors.A true biblical eldership is not a businesslike committee. It’s a biblically qualified council of men that jointly pastors the local church. So to communicate the New Testament idea of eldership, we need to reeducate ourselves as to the New Testament usage of the term elder, and in some cases choose a different term.The New Testament uses [another] to describe local church leaders. The term is overseer [or bishop], and it comes from the Greek word episkopos. The term overseer was a common designation used by Greeks for a variety of officials. In contrast to all priestly or lordly titles, nothing in the title overseer (or elder) violated the local church’s family character, humble-servant nature, or priestly and holy status. The fact that the apostles and first Christians used the term overseer as a synonym for elder demonstrates flexibility in the use of leadership terminology and the desire to communicate effectively among Greek-speaking people.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

The Shack

This little hut doesn't compare to the many mansions my Jesus has prepared in Heaven! ;)
“Let not your heart be troubled; you believe in God, believe also in Me. In My Father’s house are many mansions; if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to Myself; that where I am, there you may be also. And where I go you know, and the way you know.” John 14:1-4
What would you do with a house like this? It has 103 bedrooms! For more craziness click here.

Sunday, December 09, 2007

A Must Read!

Just got this great book in the mail. Thanks to Jonathon Johnson for posting it on his blog several weeks ago. I feel like I need to pay Jonathon since I got it for free. :)

You need to get this book! I just started reading it yesterday and the information is incredible insite into the minds of the people we are trying to reach. The homework has been done. You may not agree with the opinions of the outsiders, but it will give you a heads up on the way unchurched people think. This book is not about letting unchurched people tell us how to do church, but we do need to understand them if we are going to meet them where they are!

Friday, December 07, 2007

Pure Leadership

"Pure Leadership" (in the context of ministry) is leadership with biblical purpose and determination to follow Christ and keep His commands consistently while loving even those who object.

Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Onsite Gatherings

In order for what we do onsite not to become just a routine we have defined the purpose of each onsite gathering. The ultimate goal of each gathering is for those involved to become passionate followers of Jesus Christ. Church Life was never intended to become a routine, but worship. All of the below meetings do not necessarily have a planned agenda for each time they meet, however the purpose remains the same for each.

Sunday School- The purpose of Sunday School is to pray, fellowship, and study the Word in a way that will provoke accountability and change in the daily lifestyle of every believer (disciple of Christ).

Morning Worship- The purpose of MW is to exalt our resurrected Savior through prayer, singing, giving, listening and learning about God, and by change of heart/actions in response to God's Word.

Evening Worship- The purpose of EW is to train the church in the area of making disciples. All lessons are centered around making disciples and then how to help new disciples take the next steps of faith. Common individual members learn how to be a part of the discipleship process (7) days a week!

Women's Bible Study- The purpose of Monday night WBS is to stay in the Word and give those who aren't able to attend other meetings the opportunity to be fed and fellowship with other women of faith.

Manhood- The purpose of Manhood is the spiritual growth of young and middle aged men. It could be described as laid-back leadership training, prayer, and discussing how to be the leaders that God has called men to be in Family Life and Church Life.

Awana- The purpose of AWANA is to teach boys and girls to be approved workers who are not ashamed of Jesus. Boys and Girls learn memory verses and how to work together through organized team games.

Student Ministry- The purpose of SM is to challenge students with the Word and give them the tools and friendships they need to live for Jesus under challenging cultural circumstances.

Adult Bible Study- The purpose of ABS is to encourage and challenge believers with the Word.

CP Tadd Grandstaff Interview on NBC

I post the following interview for information purposes only. However, I would like to know what you think about it?!

Monday, December 03, 2007

CP Training

Go here and listen to the Structure vs. Strategy talk. This is great information for anyone planting a church or considering to do so. (by David Watson)

Sunday, December 02, 2007


Leaders know where they are going and they take people with them! If you consider yourself a leader how many people are following you? If they are following you what are they actually doing? In other words-what are you doing?

Not that anyone comments on my blog anyways... but this will probably get 0 comments. Some of you guys that tell me you read my blog need to start posting your thoughts.

I don't have it all figured out, but I want to learn as much as I can! One of the main reasons I blog is to strecth others and be streched by others.

A Routine Instead Of A Movement

I’ve been praying about my last 2 posts and thinking about what I’m really trying to say and so here goes.

“Church” has become a routine that we DO at a particular location instead of a movement that we are living. A church that is GOING is moving! There is nothing wrong with owning property and stationing church meetings at a particular location, but “Church” is more than meeting at the “House of God.” If the church is the people then those same people are to be actively participating in the mission of making disciples (7) days a week! As one commented, 99% of our communities do not meet at our locations. Why have we been called into the ministry? The answer is to GO MAKE DISCIPLES!

How many of our church members have ever taken part in making one disciple much less involved in this proceess on a daily basis?

Friday, November 30, 2007

The "ekklesia"

Is it possible that the word “ecclesia" or "ekklesia” is used to identify individuals with a particular group who embrace a particular mission, but that the success of the mission is generally determined by what happens while the church is disassembled?

Please post your comments if this makes sense or if it doesn't share why.

Thursday, November 29, 2007

New Church Planting Stats

Click here for more details from Leadership Network.
Look at the conversion and baptism stats.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

A Plan That Works!

I’m tearing apart the ideology most common to my affiliated work. Our focus has been shifted to maintaining an organization instead of obeying the commands of Christ. I know this is going to blow some out of the water, but Jesus never said, “Go start churches.” Jesus never suggested the sinner’s prayer. He never invited someone to church for all we know. His words were/are clear, “Make disciples of all nations” or “Teach all nations.” Church buildings are not holy or sacred in the eyes of God-it is the body/life of the believer that is to be holy and set apart for God. Our mission has become too much about being a true church instead of being true followers (disciples) of Jesus Christ. Call it a play on words, I call it a mixed up mission!

My point is simple, the spiritual growth of a “church” is generally defined by how well all the members participate in the organization instead of how they live (7) seven days a week. Who cares if everyone brings a bible to church-do they read it when they are not on the church property? Who cares if they show up on Sunday night-are they spending quality/spiritual time with their families during the week? Who cares if Darrel knows how to pray publicly-does he pray in his closet? Who cares how big the church is-are the people lifting up holy (clean) hands to God? Who cares that Jim hasn’t missed a service his entire life-has he ever made a disciple?

Yes, the church is the byproduct of making disciples, but are we going about things the wrong way or even backwards? We need to redefine our priorities!

1. Salvation comes by someone putting their confidence completely in Jesus after hearing the gospel. It is a personal decision of the heart expressed by calling out to the Lord. John 3:16, Romans 10:9-10, 13

2.Genuine faith initiates a desire to follow. John 10:27, James 2

3. Fellow disciples hold the responsibility of mentoring the ones embracing Christ by faith. Acts 9:19, 2 Timothy 2:2

4. Each person of faith is to be baptized for the sole purpose of obeying Christ and NOT to join a church. Acts 2:38, Matthew 3:13-17 (yes I know it’s a requisite to being in the body of a local church)

5. The first thing a new disciple should learn to do is to reproduce themselves by making new disciples. If this is not learned nothing else matters. Matthew 28:18-20, Acts 1:8

6. After one begins to reproduce themselves the process of learning varies in subjects ONE at a time beginning with loving God, then loving others, and everything that falls under those two categories such as prayer, giving, and good works pertaining to others. Matthew 22:37-40, James 2

7. Discipleship takes place through a variety of avenues like one on one mentorship, small group Bible studies/prayer groups, and yes even congregational worship meetings. All of which could take place at different locations (not purchased or set apart for worship).

If the above principles are used in dependence upon the Jesus who commissioned the “church” visible results of life change will be frequent! To make disciples is to add or even multiply to the body. A church that is not making disciples dies!

I am changing!

My desire is to become more like Jesus every second of every day. I am far from arriving and won't completely until He appears at His return, but I'm trying. I John 3:2-3 makes clear that Jesus is pure, but we must continually purify ourselves like Him. This is the difference in us and Him-He is perfectly pure and we are not. I don't need anyone to tell me I'm not perfectly pure (i get it), but I am changing!

God is helping me...

1. Become a better husband and father

2. Become a better pastor and leader

3. Become a better witness

4. Become more passionate about Him and His work in general

5. Become a better listener

6. Become less judgmental

7. Become more merciful

8. Become willing to admit my faults

9. Become more understanding and tolerant

10. Become more willing to please Him than anyone else

11. Be patient

12. Be kind

13. Be a peacemaker

The areas I really need to work on are...

1. How I come across in conversations and being misunderstood

2. My attitude toward good people doing nothing for God

3. Humility especially at home and around my extended family

4. Using words that might not be wrong or all that bad, but portray a negative attitude Example: "Look at that ugly car." or "What's wrong with that idiot?"

5. Spending quality time with my kids

6. Picking up after myself for my wife's sake

7. Reading my bible more

8. Spending more time in prayer

9. Having a balanced ministry in my current church setting

10. Not allowing preconceived positions I hold to keep me from seeing from other points of view

11. Becoming a better communicator

12. Teaching less for more

13. Choosing my battles

14. Living at peace with everyone-Romans 12:18

15. For some reason I don't get along with a lot of pastors and preachers. I commonly say, "I don't like preachers."

Lord, help me to keep changing!

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Crossing All Racial Boundries!

Eunice and Chris were saved tonight in their home. Mercedes was saved two weeks ago during Sunday night live and God blessed me with the opportunity to lead her mother and brother to the Lord tonight. When they get baptized it will be the second black family I have baptized at TBC. Thank you Jesus!

This skit is amazing-Watch it to the end and get a tissue!

lifehouse everything skit

Add to My Profile More Videos

The Refuge

If I were to start a church today and probably will later, I would/will call it The Refuge. I have thought about this a lot and think it's the perfect name. A church is made up of saved baptized believers who encourage one another to live for Jesus-who is our REFUGE-therefore with Jesus as our Refuge and believers commanded to meet together to encourage/exhort one another what better name! Also, it is a name that calls to the unbeliever to come and find refuge in Christ.

A church is a place where sinners come together to learn how to live a better way. No one is perfect, but needs guidance. I can hear it now... "What church do you go to? Dude, I go to Refuge, its awesome, you ought to come and check it out! Everyone is normal, even the pastor, and there aren't a bunch of people staring at you because you aren't dressed like them."

If your church isn't open to sinners then you better leave!

Is your church a place of Refuge?

Monday, November 26, 2007

Great Thoughts On CPM's (Church Planting Movements)

The following post was written by church planter David Watson...

God began to teach me through many failures that I had to focus on making Disciples of Christ, not followers of my church or denomination, and teach them to obey all the commands of Jesus, not my church/denominational doctrines or traditions. And this is what led to the breakthrough that has resulted in more than 40,000 churches among a people who were once considered unreachable.

Many people use the term “CPM” to describe or justify what they are doing. But, on closer examination, I find that many groups who use this term are simply applying it to what they have always done. CPM is not a method! It is an observation of results. In my experience, and this is what I teach, CPM is the result of obedience-based discipleship that sees disciples reproducing disciples, leaders reproducing leaders, and churches reproducing churches. If this is not happening, it is not CPM.

True CPM methodology is about being disciplined in education, training, and mentoring to obey all the commands of Jesus, regardless of consequences. The results are not quick. They only appear to be quick because of exponential growth. When one is truly engaged in the process that leads to observable CPM, then one is spending years investing in leaders. The typical investment timeline is two to four years. But, because of the replication process due to obedience to make disciples and teach them to obey, in this same two to four years, as many as five more leaders, who are also developing more leaders, will emerge. Each leader is investing two to four years in other leaders who invest two to four years in other leaders, and so on. The apparent result is explosive growth that does not seem to take much time and energy. But appearances are misleading.CPM is extremely time and energy intensive. Leaders invest a major portion of their time in equipping other leaders. Churches invest in starting more groups that will become churches as they obey the teachings of Christ and begin to fulfill the nature and functions of church, which means they teach others to do the same.

There were no visible or measureable results the first four years of my ministry among a very resistant unreached people group. My mission was ready to discipline me for failure to do my job. But during those years I was equipping five leaders. These five leaders began to equip twenty-five more leaders, who in turned equipped hundreds of other leaders.A few churches became more churches as leaders were equipped and trained to obey all the commands of Christ. More churches became hundreds of churches as the leadership equipping process continued. Every leader has years invested in him or her by other leaders. Nothing is quick. It only appears to be quick because more and more leaders are being produced in obedience to the command of Christ to “go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.” (Matthew 28:19-20, NIV)

So, CPM rapid multiplication really isn’t. We go slow in order to appear to go fast. We invest extensively in one in order to reach and train many. Our goal is to add at least two new leaders to our mentoring process each year, and equip the new leaders to do the same every year. As leaders multiply, churches grow and multiply.If you really want to have CPM anywhere in the world, invest in teaching, training and mentoring leaders to obey all the commands of Christ. If you want to evaluate a so-called CPM, examine the discipleship and leadership equipping process. Real and lasting CPMs invest heavily in leadership and training. CPM is a result, not a cause.


In the month of January we will be kicking off a new ministry called "CHANGE." It will be a monthly outreach to students in our area. Local churches that are ready for change are also invited to participate. The ministry will feature a band, drama, media, and relevant biblical messages to students. The current monthly youth meeting we participate in does not work to make disciples of the younger generation. WE NEED TO CHANGE!

The Purpose of "Real Life"

I call my blog “Real Life” because that is what I want to enjoy while on this globe. Jesus said, “I have come that you might have life and that you might have it more abundantly.” The best way to determine how to experience this kind of life in any particular circumstance is to ask the question, “What would Jesus Do?”

We need to ask this question as pastors, husbands, fathers, and church members, etc. Women need to ask this question as leaders, wives, mothers, and church members, etc. What Jesus would do in most cases is much different than the way we respond to life circumstances. The only way to know what Jesus would do is to study His life in the Gospels and draw close to him in a personal relationship in the here and now!

The things that I write on my blog are not to please a particular person or group of friends. The ones that know me personally know my heart and vision. I am my own person and desire to live in the perfect will of God. This is a struggle and very difficult at times, but it is what I am striving for. If I write something that encourages or challenges someone to live a “Real Life” in Christ, great! If not, maybe someone else will write something to help me to experience this very thing.

The following are things that constantly challenge me to be more like Jesus and not exclusively associated with a particular group...

1. The postmodern culture in which we live has believed the lie that there is no absolute truth. Overall people don’t read the Bible, but they conclude with such an ignorant position. The answer to this problem from many seems to be, “Well, just go to Hell then.”

2. The church of Satan meets regularly to pray for families and churches to be destroyed, and most Christian churches spend very little time praying for families and churches to succeed!

3. Over 150,000 people die every day and most of them go to Hell, who cares?

4. The ABA is caught up in traditionalism and cannot see beyond their model of what a church is supposed to look like.

5. There are churches that teach the right doctrine but don’t understand their light stopped shinning years ago.

6. Pastors and people who think their perspective is the only one that makes sense.

7. People that give name tags and cut you off because you question or challenge a certain way of thinking. In my opinion they are closely connected to the mentality of the Pharisees.

8. People that claim to be followers of Christ, but their attitude is far from the Spirit of Christ. Gal 5:22-23

9. On the other hand, some are so frustrated that they are willing to go with anything that comes along. They jump on a train and have no clue of the destination. A short time later they get on another train and go back to where they came from. Books and magazines shape their minds and mission instead of the word of God.

WHAT WOULD JESUS DO? Would he take a balanced approach to life and ministry based on Scripture? The more I study the scriptures the more I realize we have been taught to take certain positions that Jesus would not have taken. I write to challenge these positions.

How does the following passage apply to the mentality of the ABA and doctrinal statement number (1) one? Mark 9:38-41

How does the following passage apply to the fact that many churches are not reaching people because of their traditions? Matthew 15:1-9

Beware lest anyone cheat you through philosophy and empty deceit, according to the tradition of men, according to the basic principles of the world, and not according to Christ.” Colossians 2:8

Keep It Real In Christ!

Monday Morning Download

  • It’s cold, rainy, and sick season. I am the last in the family to get a sore throat and sinus cold.
  • Last week we had a record attendance of 95 in Sunday School.
  • Yesterday we had 70 in morning worship attendance. That was a little different, but services were good!
  • Alison, a 12 year old girl we pick up on the van was saved!
  • We kicked off the evening with a little hangout time at 5PM. Cathy surprised us with chicken and dumplings!
  • Josh Stacy came and shared his burden for Ft. Myers, Lee County, Florida. He is looking for a sending church and our people seemed to be very interested! We will be taking the next steps in pursuing God in this great opportunity.
    Christmas is just around the corner and my family is going skiing in New Mexico. We will finish up our trip in Chihuahua, Mexico with Margarita’s family. I am actually excited about going (this time)!
  • I need to make some phone calls and follow up visits that I have neglected lately.

Saturday, November 24, 2007

The Spirit of Christmas

Although I know Jesus wasn’t born on the date we celebrate His birth, I still enjoy the Christmas season! Some get technical then in turn become negative and miss out on all the excitement, but not me. I look at Christmas as a great time to teach my kids about our wonderful Savior. It’s a time to encourage people to go deeper in their walk with God. This Christmas I am challenging TBC to fall deeper in love with Jesus. The first message is titled, “The Spirit of Christmas.”

You can’t fall deeper in love with Jesus or really enjoy the Christmas season without the Spirit of Christmas! We use this phrase to talk about the attitude and atmosphere during the holiday season, but I’m talking about something much more exciting than that!

Text: Luke 1:26-35

-The Christmas Spirit is the Holy Spirit of God. The Christmas Spirit has been around for Eternity. The Christmas Spirit is part of the Trinity. This Spirit unquestionably points men to Jesus (the real meaning of Christmas). One of His man purposes is to convict sinners of their need for Jesus. This Christmas people’s lives will be changed because of the Spirit of Christmas. I John 5:7, John 15:26

-The Christmas Spirit showed up in the womb of Mary. Without the Spirit of Christmas Jesus would not have been born and our sins would not have been dealt with! Our majestic God supernaturally placed our majestic Jesus in the womb of Mary! Luke 1:35, 2 Peter 1:16

-The Christmas Spirit shows itself in the life of all believers. Through the words and actions of believers the Holy Spirit manifest fruits like LOVE, JOY, and PEACE. The Christmas Spirit is the opposite of the spirit of Scrooge. Galatians 5:22

-The Christmas Spirit has an opponent. The god of this world loves to impose on the Christmas season. He hates the Spirit of Christmas and everyone who enjoys the real meaning of Christmas. One day he himself will claim to be the Christ. Satan loves to distort and replace the true meaning of Christmas. 2 Thessalonians 2:4

Jesus is the reason for the season!

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

10 Questions Every Christian Should Be Able To Answer

I found this video that illustrates the mindset of the majority. They are questions that we should all be aware of and consistent when answering them. It is evident that Satan has been winning the battle to confuse people concerning miracles and all kinds of other teachings in the world of Christianity. The reason I post this video is for information purposes in order to reach the rational thinker.


I am also thankful that Mason and Chelsey were baptized Sunday! They are getting married in December as soldout followers of Christ!

Happy Thanksgiving!

To all the blog world-HAPPY THANKSGIVING!

My sister is in from Alaska and we are having dinner in Little Rock at mom and dad's house. We are taking the four wheeler and going to have FUN FUN FUN (until it gets taken away by mom)! Can't wait to eat mom's green bean casarole.

"in every thing give thanks, for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus." I Thess. 5:18

I don't know what I would do without my Savior, Margarita, Daniel, Anna, Mom and Dad, Leslie, Scotty, Justin, and all the rest of the family! I am so thankful for all of them and the great church that God has allowed me to be a part of.

Trained Minds

Is your mind trained to look at something from a certain perspective? Does it automatically travel in a certain direction depending on the issue? Is it trained in such a way that you might not be able to see from another angle? How long have you viewed things the same way? Is there another way? Is there truth and reason in the other way? Could there be truth and reason on both sides?

The people we assoicate with has much to do with the direction and perspective of our minds. We join groups because we like the friendship and the overall ideology, atmosphere, and attitude of that particular group. Before long we find ourserlves adopting everything about the group and denying the right to think for ourselves. The longer we are a part of a certain group the more difficult it becomes to seperate ourselves from certain things about the group. Eventually its hard to make your own decisions because the group might not like what you say or do and then, well, its just to much trouble to be different.

Is it ok to be different? Is it ok to think for yourself? Can you still be a part of the group without being attacked because you might not agree with every thing about the group?

One of the most dangerous things we face with the younger generation is establishing new precedents and traditions and calling them, "THE ONLY WAY." I personally want to be very careful about being dogmatic and sure about things that are not fundamental issues in the scriptures. Otherwise I will cause the same problems I see now for future generations.

When it comes to ministry and reaching people if you are leading poeple to Christ and they are following Christ, living by faith, learning to keep His commands, and the fundamentals of the Christian Faith then you are doing your job. What ever method or style you choose if it works I don't have problem with it. There is more than one way to do things!

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Go Make Disciples

James makes clear that godly works prove a genuine faith. A person that says "I have faith" but does not have fruits of righteousness to follow is still in darkness with the wrong kind of faith. Faith without works is dead! (James 2)

In my last post I mentioned the ABC and ABCD versions (plan of salvation) to make the point that salvation is not about saying a little pray to make you feel better about yourself. To be clear I do not present either one of the two versions when sharing the gospel. My concern is that we leave people thinking they can pray a little prayer and thats it (have a good day-see you later). Would Jesus tell someone to pray a prayer and not take the time after they did to tell them what's next? Do we spend 3 minutes with people and think we have fulfilled the commission? I know there are times when we don't have time to go any further with someone, but we need to be conscious not to give people the wrong idea. In Acts people who believed immediatly followed and were baptized. Not baptized to complete their salvation, but because they understood by the preaching, it was about a commitment to Christ. Look at the message Peter preached in (Acts 2:38).

I believe that there are saved people who were never discipled living in the world that will be in Heaven for eternity. However I am very concerned that many have been given a simple rehersed presentation of the gospel, forced to pray a little prayer, but they will spend eternity in Hell because they believed in vain. (I Cor 15 1-2)

Genuine faith is embracing Jesus as God and the only means to save our sin sick souls from such a wicked condition. Repentance is so connected to faith that when one puts their confidence (trust) in Jesus for salvation it is only because they have changed their mind, and as urged by the Holy Spirit desire to surrender their life to the Lord. (Luke 13:3)

Let's make followers of Christ! Isn't that the commission? Matthew 28:18-20

"Go make disciples"

Sunday, November 18, 2007


If you have a problem with growing churches (church growth mentality) you might not want to read this post!

There are great churches in the ABA, but there are also dead churches in the ABA. Some guys argue that their church is doing just fine the way they are. My question is, "If that is the case, what do you preach about?" Oh, I forgot "contend for the faith, Jesus is coming soon, the world is going to Hell but we are safe."

The fact of the matter is my church isn't doing just fine. We need to be doing more! We are certainly not the ideal church, but we want to become one. We are to be salt and light in this dark world.

There is no excuse for why churches are closing their doors. Its not that they don't have the right leaders, because its not about men. It's not about me and its not about you. For anyone that wants to call me "Mr. Holier than Thou", allow me to help you. I am a NOBODY. I don't want to be anybody. I don't say, "hey look what I'm doing." I'm not perfect, thats right, I sin all the time. I am a rotten dirty sinner that got saved by Jesus who is convicted by the Holy Spirit about reaching this lost world!

People are not getting saved in Bald Knob because of me. We preach a message that is provisionally universal, vicarious in nature, and must be applied to the wicked heart of man. We preach that Jesus died for all men everywhere, but you must "GIVE YOUR LIFE TO JESUS" not just pray a little prayer in vain. We preach the ABCD version not the ABC version.

A-ADMIT you are a sinner
B-BELIEVE (trust) in the Lord Jesus
C-CONFESS with your mouth-call on Jesus
D-Become a DISCIPLE of Christ-Jesus called men to follow!

I have a problem! My problem is when men make excuses for why people are not being saved and why their churches are not growing in numbers. Numbers are real people, and every person that dies without Jesus really does go to Hell. Its not about whose got the biggest church-its about those precious souls who are lost without a shepherd. The fact is every church that is obeying the great commission should be reaching new people all the time. If door knocking doesn't seem to work, do that and something else!!!! How about motivating your church to reach their friends and neighbors and take advantage of using special services throughout the year to do so! Train your people to reach the lost and stop trying to do it yourself. In the last few weeks here at BK it has been church members that have brought their friends or have led them to the Lord in their places of employment. Again, its not about me!

I was accused by a pastor recently who said I have a problem. My problem seems to be what I believe. I am a heretic for the following reasons (this list wont be 21 statements long).

1. I believe the same Holy Spirit still works to change lives today. God is still on the throne in 2007! The gospel still works! Jesus saves!

2. Lost people are interested in the gospel and are searching for truth. They are being saved and discipled all over the world!

3. Churches can grow without compromising the truth!

4. Churches have become cold, comfortable, pridful, and seemingly uninterested in seeing lost people saved. Their traditions have caused them to have a form of godliness without experiencing the power of godliness. They deny there is such power today!

5. Churches can practice discipline and still grow in number. We have recently removed a deacon from our church for unfaithfulness. We took action in love and restored a young lady who had a baby out of wedlock this past year.

6. Numbers are important because numbers represent real people! Its not about pride or having a big church, but about people experiening the wonderful works of God.

Read the following with a squeaky voice holding your nose to get it the way i'm writing it.

"You have a problem. You care about lost people. That means you think you are somebody. Only time will tell about your kind."

Give me a break!

Saturday, November 17, 2007


There are people that have a problem with the idea of a REVOLUTION in the ABA. Every meeting I go to indivuals stand up and say the most unbiblical junk I've ever heard, and it seems atleast half of those in attendance agree with what was said. I think to myself, "What is wrong with these people?" The crazy thing is that most of them claim to be men of God. We no doubt need a revolution in the churches of the ABA!

To have a problem with change is to suggest that God is pleased and everything is just fine and dandy. A small amount of time in prayer will lead one to understand the need for change! Are pastors and churches praying? Our churches have a form of godliness but are not experiencing the power of God.

To claim that it is the younger generation pushing change is a false premise. There are many older men that see these huge problems and desire to make changes to keep our churches from taking their last breath. Instead of attacking the younger generation you might look at the ages of some of the kings that were placed in power by God. Look at the references to Saul after he became older and arogant with pride compared to his younger days. How old was David when God annointed Him? Young people have a tendancy to trust God more than knowledge they have obtained over a long period of time. Human knowledge and common sense is not what God is looking for. He is looking for humility and faith. Its time we start listening to God instead of other voices and even our heritage!


Culturally Relevant

The following is an attempt to address an ignorant understanding of being culturally relevant in a dialog I had on a recent forum.

There are several words or statements you used that may have been directed toward me so I am going to attempt to make sure you understand correctly what has been said.

You said: 1. "I hear a lot of talk about being relevant."

You wrote this statement as if it is a bad thing to be relevant. You write as if being relevant means not preaching the Bible. This is an ignorant understanding of what it means to be relevant. One def. of "relevant": having significant and demonstrable bearing on facts or issues To me to be relevant in the context of church and preaching means to preach the Bible and make the right application to the ones listening. I preach through books of the Bible usually, therefore being relevant to the audience is very important. If I have children or teenagers in the audience and I never make an application or address their age group in my messages I am failing in meeting their needs. If you were chosen to speak to a group of senior citizens and you decided to preach on "Sexual Abstinence" besides being stupid it would be irrelevant! We need to make proper application to particular audiences. If you were to preach "all things work together for good...(you know the verse)" and not break down "ALL" into different areas and issues you would be very general and miss the opportunity to meet relevant needs in your congregation. We need to be relevant in our preaching!

You said: 2. "bend the Word to culture"

I never said anything about bending the Word to a particular culture. I believe the Bible was written and is applicable to every culuture. However there are things that change in different cultures that we must understand and adapt to. There are different tools that can be used for ministry depending on the culture. For example-How many pastors had cell phones 50 years ago? How many churches had vans 100 years ago? How many churches had pianos and organs 1500years ago? We better get some harps and get rid of some stuff in our churches if we are not going to use anything not mentioned in the Bible.Is it wrong to use electricity? Is it wrong to have heating and air? Is it wrong to use media equipment like projectors and microphones? Is it wrong to have a kitchen? Is it wrong to have toys in the nursury? What kind of toys should we have in the nursury? Should we get rid of electronic toys and go back to marbles? What should the dress code be? Would Jesus wear a suit and tie? (NO, but the pharisees did!) Should we use guitars or pianos? What about language? Should we use Old English in our preaching or modern terminology? I can hear it now, "Thou shouldest not forget to take thy Son with thee tomorrow." If you go to Mexico and preach in English without an interpreter you are not being culturally relevant! All of these kinds of things have to do with culture to name a few.

You said: 3. "Why do we need to change our preaching and methods?

"First, no one said we need to change our preaching of the truth. Second, if you think that the church at Jerusalem met at 9:45, had Sunday School, then opened with a prayer to begin the worship service, sang two songs (with a piano), had another prayer then received the offering, then sung two more songs (with a piano), had preaching, and ended at 12 noon, you have been brainwashed. This is a method used by many today, but it was not the method of the first church. There are many different times that could be chosen to meet, different locations/houses/buildings, different ways to arrange the order of a service, different instruments could be used in a service, and things could be added to or taken away if needed. Sunday school could be used or home bible studies could take the place of Sunday School. Do you have to have a pulpit? Do you have to have a steeple? These are all examples of using different methods and preferences in the church. Your mold and order is not the only method or even the most effective. I cannot understand why some people do not get this stuff!!!! No one is talking about getting rid of preaching and the Bible. If you think changing the way we do church is the "falling away" I don't know what to tell you. I'm probably wasting my time.

You said: 4. "Hey, if you don't like the way we do things, we have free association, which means you are free to leave."

The association has a doctrinal statement not a list of rules and regulations, times, and methods churches must submit to in order to associate with the ABA. There are many churches in this association that use different methods, meet at different times, and still believe the 21 statements of faith (they could be shortened if some of them where lumped together and you want to add more?). This association is not based on "What we do" but what we believe!

LAST THING- I do not believe that all traditions are bad. However when a tradition (if not founded in scripture by example) becomes the only way to do something and you insist on this tradition that may be out of date-you have not fallen away but you do fall into the category of teaching the doctrines of men as the doctrines of God. Be careful!

Wednesday, November 14, 2007


This morning I was reading Ps. 116 and really enjoyed it. One verse really caught my attention.

"Precious in the sight of the LORD is the death of His saints." v.15

We look at death from a negative perspective most of the time. God looks at it much differently-I'll let the passage speak for itself.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Special Evangelism Pools

The following list are special focus days coming to TBC in the next few months. Also included in the list are brief ideas that I have for those days.

Thanksgiving Praise- music, testimony, and message will be centered around thanksgiving.

Celebrating Christmas- duh

Second Coming Sunday- duh

Miracle Day- music, drama, and message will be centered around miracles Jesus performed and the application will be about the supernatural power that God has to change lives! Needed to clarify this one.

Creation Vs. Evolution- Athiest/Creationist debate, drama, and message will all be centered around the God of Creation.

Any other ideas?

2 More Names Written Down!

Mason and Chelsey were saved today! Mason has attended our church for a few weeks, and Chelsey came for the first time last Sunday. I wish I knew how to load an audio file on here so you could here a phone message from Chelsey before she got saved (i have the media file in my computer-going to use it for a special message before response time)!

While we were in Memphis taking care of immigration stuff-TBC was still functioning!!! Mason recently starting working with Tommy (recently surrendered to the ministry) and it was Tommy that helped them both close the deal.

I am pumped about what God is doing in our church. We have been praying for music leadership and Mason is amazing on the guitar. Our people won't mind the lip ring either! BTW- Mason was at our men's group tonight!
Pray for Dustin, Shana, Mason, and Chelsey to get baptized.
WOW! It is over!!!! We have been trying to get this thing for years! Today in Memphis, TN Margarita was deemed a resident of the United States of America! Thank you God!!!

Monday, November 12, 2007

An Overview Of Last Night's Message

I Sam. 15 - God gave King Saul a specific command. He sent him on a "mission". He disobeyed the direct command, but for some reason claimed he was obedient. In his conversation with Samuel, he blamed the people for HIS sin as if he was not in charge. He lied about why they did not completely destroy everything (the command)-he said it was for God, but it was really for themselves. Proof it was all about him is in the fact that he established a monument of himself after defeating King Agag. The fact of the matter is God isn't interested in partial obedience to His commands! Samuel told Saul God had regreted annointing him as King and removed His blessing from Saul's reign. Saul continued to reign as king, but without God's blessings!
This is an Old Testament Example for the Church!
  • God has sent us on a mission and given us the command to go.
  • We claim we are obedient, but are we really?
  • We say we do what we do for God, but it seems to be more about us.
  • How many times has God said of pastors and churches, "I regret having established this particular ministry."?
  • How many churches continue on without God's blessing? Maybe they say the right things, but neglect to do what they say. Can you have the right doctrinal statement and still loose your candle stick?
  • Churches are closing their doors because they are not obeying the command to "GO ON MISSION WITH GOD".
  • If you think you are going to reach this postmodern world by holding on tight to your building and your pulpit, with your Sunday School book under your arm in your Bible, telling people to dress up in "church clothes" and conform to a particular denomination you are as crazy as Saul was.
  • Don't tell me you are obeying the commands and God is pleased-He's no more pleased with you than He was with Saul!


  • Leaders discourage growth because they are afriad of loosing their power or being overshawdowed.
  • Pastors and members are set in their ways and unwilling to make cultural changes in their model of "church".
  • Pastors and churches are more concerned with what they like and being comfortable than lives being changed.
  • Pastors are not honest with their churches and are afraid to take a risk.


  • Eyes That See A Genuine View of God- He's Big!
  • Ears That Hear The Voice of God- He speaks!
  • A Heart's Desire To Please God- Only Him!
  • A Mind That Leads To Action- Obey Him!
  • A Mouth That Speaks About God- He's Good!
  • Lips That Whisper Prayers To God- He's listening!

Samuel took a sword and sliced up King Agag like Saul was supossed to have done. Somebody had to complete the task! Will you be the one? I want to be a Samuel not a Saul!

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Thursday, November 08, 2007


Dear TBC,

I want to thank you for allowing me to serve as your pastor. You are a great church with a great heart. My family and I have enjoyed this first year. We have seen many souls saved and baptized and several new members join our fellowship. I enjoy hearing you talk about how well things seem to be going!

I am very thankful for each person that works hard to make things happen around here. As your pastor I want to encourage you to stay focused and on guard for the sake of the cause of Christ. Keep unity as one of your priority goals. Always remember that this ministry is not about one person or a certain group of people, but all of us are in it together.

One of the dangers in church life is to see a few souls saved and numbers increasing and be satisfied with such small results. We should be thankful, but not satisfied. This is one of the reasons some churches keep growing and others stop or eventually decline. We must all continue to work hard to reach and touch people with the gospel of Jesus Christ. The key to accomplishing this goal is for each member to minister in every day life.

I want to challenge every member including children and teenagers to reach 2 people between now and November 2008. Each member should pray for them, invite them, and when they trust Christ help disciple them and assimilate them into the church. It is not enough to bring someone to church one time, we must make a continued effort to minister to them. If you will do your part God will bless TBC incredibly!

To those of you who are not yet members of TBC please consider following through and connecting yourself with this great church. There is a special connection between the membership in a local church enabled by the Spirit of God. We love you and are glad you have chosen to participate in our worship services, why not become a part of the family?!

The Downside of Time

According to I John 2:8 we are on the downside of time, "darkness is passing away, and the true light is already shining."

There was never a darker day than when Jesus was crucified on Mt. Morriah. Evil reigned and Satan struck the heal of the seed of the woman (Jesus). Darkness has existed with powerful results from the beginning of time, but 3 days after Jesus was placed in the grave light began to shine as He came forth ALIVE! That light is shining in the world today and soon the word darkness will not even exist in our vocabulary. We are on the downside of time! Jesus is coming back soon and He will regin and rule as King of Kings. Yes, there is a short period of time when Satan will be unleashed again, but then He will be cast into the lake of fire to be tortured day and night forever!

1. We need to be reflectors of THE LIGHT.

2. We need to help “whosoever” find THE LIGHT.

3. We need to promote THE LIGHT in every message, lesson, or conversation we engage in.

People who are still in darkness are blind and do not know where they are going. They are hopeless and lonely and in need of some LIGHT to shine in their darkness. I John 2:11

"He came to tell people the truth about the Light so that through him all people could hear about the Light and believe. John was not the Light, but he came to tell people the truth about the Light. The true Light that gives light to all was coming into the world!" John 1:7-9

Wednesday, November 07, 2007

God Is Good!

Lately there has been some rodeo action in the ABA blog world. It has been rough, tough, straight forward, questionable, sad, and humorous at the same time. It feels like the time I was at the Catholic World Youth Conference in Toronto when 8 priest gathered around me and tried to beat me up for telling their teenagers, "You can know for sure that you're going to heaven when you die." One said, "I don't think John Paul II would like this...(BTW-he was there-I hope he read our material)". They were all dressed in their suits and thought they had it all figured out. In my opinion they were modern day pharisees (I am not calling anyone a pharisee). The same truths exist in the current situation as then:

1. It doesn't matter what "so and so" says about a particular subject.

2. God is the Judge. He is the One we should seek to please.

3. Traditions don't determine what is right and wrong (SIN)-the Bible does!

4. In the end the ones who are honest and seeking to glorify God will be used of God to win people to Christ and disciple them!

5. Politics, popular opinion, experiences, culture, traditions, heritage should never be our example for decision making.

6. Our loyalty should be to God and what He wants to do in the future not to what someone else did in the past.

"On the day I call for help, my enemies will be defeated.
I know that God is on my side
." Psalm 56:9

Tuesday, November 06, 2007

No Title Needed

I'm out!

Clearing things up/Random thouhts-

I didn't mean to sound negative concerning TBC in my last post, but although it is true there are no ideal churches (there should be), we are constantly trying to become one. We can't be satisfied with where we are!!!! If the church at Jerusalem was ideal (we use it as it was) then we can be too. TBC is a great church with a heart for God and people. No one in our church is perfect (especially the pastor), but we have some great leaders!

Being Transparent- I'm the type of person that wants everything to happen over night, but reality (man's disobedient response to God's commands) says impossible! God has been teaching me if something is going to last, it will take time and quality efforts to build it. The key is to keep Jesus (let him stay) in the boat. If He is in the boat-He can calm any storm and walk on any raging sea we might encounter!

"Unless the Lord builds a house, the work of the builders is wasted. Unless the Lord protects a city, guarding it with sentries will do no good." Psalm 127:1

Signing out for now.

Sunday, November 04, 2007

Get me out of this rut!

It has been a while, but I feel like I'm getting into a rut. Things are happening and people's lives are being changed, but I'm on auto pilot mode. I don't want to stay here so please say a prayer that Billy will wake up and smell the coffee!

One of the things that has me feeling the way I do is-the new has worn off and the honey moon is coming to an end. Preaching fourty times a week doesn't help either (please save any holier than thou comments)!

Another thing is that I have tried for months to get our very talented music inclined people together to lead worship, but for some reason it just wont happen! We have 5 very talented individuals and the leader is willing to do whatever needs to be done, but no one is moving!!!

God is blessing, but this major part of worship is missing. The people seem to be satisfied, but I'm not! It is hard to settle for less than what you have experienced in the past. Please say a prayer that God will help me to endure until (if ever) this piece of the puzzle is in place. I know that things don't happen over night, but with the talent we have there is no excuse (but TIME, and we live in Bald Knob!!!).

Another thing is we have 90 adults who regularly attend, but never enough volunteers. Some people just never seem to get it!!! To the ones that are working I remind them to pray and ask for God's strength, but they seem to be tired too! Some of the same people have to do baby nursury, toddler nursury, Sunday School, Children's church, Awana etc.

Before you give me the spill about how to fix all this understand that I am venting something that I have to get out! I believe God is going to continue to change lives in spite of my rut, my crying like a baby, and what may be a petty list of issues in His mind.

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

From Charles H. Spurgeon

My sweet Lord Jesus remembers well the garden of Gethsemane, and although he has left that garden, he now dwells in the garden of his church: there he unbosoms himself to those who keep his blessed company. That voice of love with which he speaks to his beloved is more musical than the harps of heaven. There is a depth of melodious love within it which leaves all human music far behind. Ten of thousands on earth, and millions above, are indulged with its harmonious accents. Some whom I well know, and whom I greatly envy, are at this moment hearkening to the beloved voice. O that I were a partaker of their joys! It is true some of these are poor, others bedridden, and some near the gates of death, but O my Lord, I would cheerfully starve with them, pine with them, or die with them, if I might but hear thy voice. Once I did hear it often, but I have grieved thy Spirit. Return unto me in compassion, and once again say unto me, “I am thy salvation.” No other voice can content me; I know thy voice, and cannot be deceived by another, let me hear it, I pray thee. I know not what thou wilt say, neither do I make any condition, O my Beloved, do but let me hear thee speak, and if it be a rebuke I will bless thee for it. Perhaps to cleanse my dull ear may need an operation very grievous to the flesh, but let it cost what it may I turn not from the one consuming desire, cause me to hear thy voice. Bore my ear afresh; pierce my ear with thy harshest notes, only do not permit me to continue deaf to thy calls. To-night, Lord, grant thine unworthy one his desire, for I am thine, and thou hast bought me with thy blood. Thou hast opened mine eye to see thee, and the sight has saved me. Lord, open thou mine ear. I have read thy heart, now let me hear thy lips.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Mark Yancy

Mark was saved in his home 2 weeks ago after attending one of our services. He is going through a rough time with his current employment. It seems the new owners are replacing all the former employees. Mark has two girls that he takes care of by himself, and needs a new job. Please pray with me that Mark learns to depend on his new DADDY during this trying time. Mark is getting baptized on Sunday!

Hilarious Clinton

I agree with Gov. Huckabee that there is nothing funny about Hilary Clinton becoming president. As Christians we need to be praying for our country as we prepare to elect our next president. It almost seems that we are watching American Idol and not understanding the seriousness of what is at stake. We are in a serious time and transition that should not be taken lightly. From terrorism to the complete moral decline of the younger generation I fear the future for my kids! We better keep God and his standards as our rule and action plan or we will say, “GOOD BYE TO THE USA THAT WAS ONCE SO GREAT”. One individual at a time and one church at a time we can make a difference, but we must speak up in these crucial times!

My prayer: God, please cause your people to take a stand in these last days and impact change in this great country! In Jesus Name, Amen.

BTW- I heard that the Hilary Clinton costume was voted the scariest of all Halloween costumes.

Monday, October 29, 2007


We kicked off our Revival last night with a great crowd! We met in the altar for prayer, had a baptismal service, Lori, her sisters and mom led us in worship, and Roger Copeland preached it like it was the last time he would ever preach again! Please pray for us the next couple of days as we seek to get closer to our Jesus!

Does this post have too many exclamation marks???

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

A Great Place To Be...

One of the destinations that I am working hard to arrive at is "OLDYOUNGUNITY". Oldyoungunity is the place where both the older and younger generations come together for the same purpose! This is a hard island to find, but we are constantly looking at the compass trying to head in the right direction.

Unity in the church is a must! Without unity a church cannot experience consistent life change and spiritual growth. Unity is the third session in our membership seminar. Every person interested in becoming a part of TBC must go through the membership seminar before they "unite" with us. Church life is way to serious to miss out on this crucial opportunity (membership seminar)!

We had 8 people who started the membership seminar Sunday afternoon. Mark attended our friend day service and was saved last Thursday in his home. Brandy, who has Pentecostal background, will be baptized on Sunday for sure. I am hoping four others will be baptized with her (including Mark). Dustin who has Church of Christ background hasn't made his decision yet (baptism). Please pray that he will join the excitment!

"Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace." Ephesians 4:3

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Pastoral Preaching

Today I was thinking about what kind of preaching I do-I decided to call it Pastoral Preaching. My style is linked to my responsibility. A shepherd is a guide and protector that helps the sheep get from one place to another, feed, drink, laydown, rest, and ultimately produce something that is going to benefit others (the wool). My preaching isn't, "this is what the Bible says-like it or lump it", but "this is why (the Bible says such and such) and how we can have an abundant life with Christ on this earth (here and now)."

All my messages focus on living the Christian life. All messages include some evangelistic challenge. All messages conclude with an invitation to enjoy life with God by submitting to His commands. I guess since I am preaching through books of the Bible it would be called Expository Pastoral Preaching.

I am not a scholar but I do believe my Shepherd helps me be the shepherd He wants me to be to His people!

"The elders who are among you I exhort, I who am a fellow elder and a witness of the sufferings of Christ, and also a partaker of the glory that will be revealed: Shepherd the flock of God which is among you, serving as overseers, not by compulsion but willingly, not for dishonest gain but eagerly; nor as being lords over those entrusted to you, but being examples to the flock; and when the Chief Shepherd appears, you will receive the crown of glory that does not fade away." I Peter 5:1-4

Regarding My Last Post

My comment about the "cultural church wave" has to do with leaders and churches that see one church do something and think, "hey we should do that"... hear one mainstream leader say or write something and say, "hey that sounds good"... then they make it their new philosophy or position without ever consulting God and the Scriptures. I am not opposed to doing new things or being different, but I certainly want confirmation from God that He's in it before I run with it!

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

What Is The Best Way To Do Ministry?

Answer: Listen to God!

I'm on my soap box again. I get fed up with people that think they must ride the cultural church wave to reach people. It is obvious that if we ask God for His help and listen to His answer (to us personally and specifically) He will help us do HIS WILL-which is to save people with the gospel. The following formula seems to work for me.

1. Prayer and Openness to God's Spirit (with clean hands and a pure heart listen to God)

2. Openness to Change When God Says Change (certain things change over time)

3. Determination To Be An Example Not A Spectator (as an individual and church)

4. Evangelistic Preaching (the whole Bible is evangelistic)

5. Consistency (in teaching, training leaders, and example)

6. Biblical (don't promote or bank on a philosophy that contradicts scripture)

If you are trying to be the man of God that He wants you to be let 2 Timothy 3:16-17 sink in deep.

My prayer: God help me to constantly evaluate my spiritual walk with YOU, my motive, and performance in ministry according to your terms. Keep me in check! In Jesus Name. Amen.

Thelma Hamby

Thelma Jean Hamby went home to be with the Lord on Oct. 7, 2007. Thelma was one of the best church members at TBC. She never complained about anything although she battled cancer for 7 years. I saw FAITH today! Elgin, her husband, and all the close knit family overwhelmed me with their hope in the Lord. I pray that someone trusted Christ or will soon as a result of today's service. Thelma is celebrating with her Jesus, but we will miss her!

Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Journal Download

I have been at Temple for one year today. The following list is a recap of the major details of what God has been doing in our church since last October.

  • Lives have been changed through a variety of ministries.
  • Our average attendance has increased by over 30%. We frequently run in the 120’s on Sunday mornings in comparison to 85 (which included two families that have moved from the area) a year ago.
  • Our high before September 30th was 150.
  • On September 30th we had over 200 people and one profession of faith.
  • We have seen at least 25 professions of faith.
  • We have had 27 additions (14 baptisms).
  • We have restored a family that had a terrible experience with sin.
  • We have started two new bible studies through the week for men and women.
  • We have implemented Faith Evangelism with 8 teams making home visits.
  • We have built 4 new class rooms in our education building.
  • We built an additional gravel parking lot.
  • We have started Faith Promise Giving and over doubled our mission’s offerings.
  • We started supporting Jeremy Flanagan and Pathway Baptist in Fayetteville, AR.
  • We took our first mission trip with 19 people (Fredericksburg, VA). We saw several professions of faith from this trip!
  • Tommy Slinker’s life was transformed then shortly after he surrendered to the ministry.

Thank you Lord for working in my life and empowering me to lead TBC to get involved with you and your kingdom work! In Jesus Name. Amen.

Tuesday, October 02, 2007

We Doubled Our Attendance

Sunday was great! With this once a year evangelism pool we were able to almost double our current attendance. We had around 100 unchurched people at Temple on Sunday Morning. The best was that atleast one that I know of trusted Christ as Savior!

We are walking out the door... I will write more later.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

This next week will be one of my most exciting weeks of the year!

Sunday will be the climax of our 7 week evangelism campaign. We are expecting a record number of people to show up. Please pray for God to change lives!

Monday is opening day of bow season. The other day I sat in my stand to see what was happening and I had 8 deer eating under me at 15 yards. Wow!

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Family Life!

If there is one thing that pastors need more than anything it is a healthy family life! Sometimes we get so busy that spending time with family becomes a thing of the past. This doesn't mean that we shouldn't be busy-it just means that we must make the best of every moment with our family during those times we are busy. I personally need to work on not being so tired from business that I'm useless when I'm around my family.

My goal (with two young children) is to motivate (help) my family to serve the Lord with me, and have fun while doing it! A lot of preachers say that the family wasn't called into ministry... blah-blah-blah... Joshua said, "As for me and my house we are going to serve the Lord!"

Lord, please give me the strength and wisdom to be the Husband, Father, and Pastor that you have called me to be. Also, lead my children to the cross and give them the faith to believe in your one of a kind Son. After they trust you-give them the teaching, strength, and desire to serve you with all their heart. In Jesus name. Amen!

Monday, September 17, 2007

My Wife Is The Greatest

I love my wife! I got to lead her to the Lord in 2002 while serving in Canada. She has grown so much over the last few years and is a great support to me. She is the mother of my two wonderful kids. If I'm blessed with nothing else in life, I will be just fine. Te amo mi amor!

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Monday, September 10, 2007

The Greater Sin

I have come to a bump in the road! I'm not sure which sin is greater-believers who do not attend church any longer OR the church that is so boring (religious/traditional/far from Acts) no wonder numbers are dropping like flies.

Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Be Yourself!

I get tired of reading blogs and concluding that so many people in ministry are trying to be like somebody else. They want to be like so and so that has a huge church and is blowing up the world with the gospel, but so and so didn’t get there by trying to be like anybody else-so and so is just being himself and allowing the Spirit of God to lead him. Nobody has all the answers (has it going on), but day by day listening to the Spirit of God we can do everything that God has called us to do. Learn from others yes, but don’t try to be someone your not. God created you the way you are and the best way to do ministry is to be yourself! “for it is God who works in you to will and to act according to His good purpose.” Philippians 2:13

Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Rising Above the Plateau

Is it possible to take a church that has plateauamized (new word from the root plateau) to higher ground? The answer is yes, but it will not be easy! It doesn’t happen overnight- it is a gradual process. The following list has proven to be key factors for this giant task. It may not be exclusive but will definitely help make things happen in your church!

Make sure you have been called by God- At times life will be stressful, tiring, and you will often mentally overload. The only way you will move forward is by staying focused on the one who called you.

Let the people know you love them and are there to care for them- Visit their homes and especially make hospital visits (even to extended family members). Show genuine interest in their lives. Pray with them before you leave their homes.

Understand the mindset of the people- You cannot change a state of comfort unless you know how they got into that position. By understanding the details help them tear down the walls little by little. People arrive at traditions and comfort zones through a variety of avenues. Don’t be a dictator, be an aggressive leader AND shepherd. Ask questions and communicate clearly about all issues in the church.

Constantly promote unity- Promote a family atmosphere that expresses love for one another through action. Teach the church to be patient and gentle with one another. Church members will feel comfortable to bring their friends to a place where there is love in house! Ephesians 4:1-3

Preach Motivational Messages- Personal Evangelism, Devotion, Servant-hood, Participation, Worship, Unity, Real vs. Religious, Love, and Missions are subjects that should be promoted frequently.

Implement a special prayer time during worship services- The prayer during the offering doesn’t count! Encourage people to come to the altar and lift their request to the Lord. People are constantly encountering struggles and circumstance that cause pain and suffering in their life. Teach them to rely on God when life throws a curve ball. Also use this prayer time as an opportunity for people to pray for unchurched friends and family. Many will not come to the altar, but you can encourage them to turn their seat into an altar before God!

Give time and clear explanations for everything you feel God is leading you to do- Take several weeks or even months to implement new ministries or changes. During the process share ideas and encourage everyone to pray about those ideas over a period of time. Make sure the people know that you simply want to please God through the ministry of His church.

Don’t let one or two people cause you to give up- The ones who are comfortable and negative are not your enemies-they just can’t see beyond what they have become accustomed to. In most cases these are good people-just got some bad teaching along the way. Ask God to help you to overlook these few and move on. Try hard not to take any attack personally.

Constantly build relationships with new people- One major factor to getting past the plateau is fresh people in the church. The people need to see that you are bringing new faces to the services. Never give up on those relationships!

Prepare a membership seminar and lead the church to adopt it as a prerequisite to membership- The membership seminar should cover the basics of salvation and baptism, unity, purpose and responsibilities (including giving). Take the entire church through the seminar and every new member from that point forward. This starts new members off serving instead of ending up as pew demons (another new term).

Implement a corporate evangelism ministry- Get the people working together to get people the gospel. Use teams to follow-up on prospects and visitors. Send out letters and invitations through the mail.

Train leaders to carry out every ministry detail in the church- Don’t try to do everything-take people with!

Give people the freedom to be led by the Spirit of God- Don’t try to control every little detail-allow people (especially leaders) to make decisions on their own.

Plan ministry meetings regularly- Meet with your leaders and teachers to encourage and evaluate. Plan and pray for every ministry in the church.

Develop an aggressive children’s ministry- Reach children and teach them to hide God’s word in their hearts. All children’s ministries open the door to eventually reach the parents.

Implement new Bible studies throughout the week- Use these Bible studies to train and cast vision for leaders.

Promote missions giving- Develop a faith based missions strategy to support new church plants and missions world-wide.

Spend church funds wisely- Don’t buy everything you think you need right away. Yes, you have to spend money to do ministry, but you must pick and choose along the way. As the church grows a surplus of funds will become available. If you feel led to purchase something costly communicate clearly by giving the reason it is necessary and allow the church time to pray about the need.

Please add any details or comments to the list!

Monday, September 03, 2007

Journal Download

  • Awana begins this Wednesday. We have more leaders and workers than last year and everyone is excited and ready to go. We have several new families interested in bringing their children.
  • Friend Day is September 30th. I am going to preach out of a casket. We are going to have lunch (grilling hamburgers and hotdogs). A concert will follow at 1:30.
  • Faith Teams kick off the week of Friend Day. Letters will be sent out the Monday following Friend Day and teams will follow up on every person in service that day.
  • Unity has been a major subject around our church lately. It seems that almost every church in town and surrounding areas is fighting except for ours. We must stay on guard!
  • Youth Ministry is taking a leap to the next level. Tommy, Kathy, Michael, Dana, James, and Tasha are working as a team to get the job done!
  • Membership Seminar is fulfilling its purpose. People are joining and getting involved in the ministry.
  • Nurseries are expanding. We now have (2) two nurseries (babies/toddlers). We have (4) four babies and (3) three more to arrive soon!
  • Sunday School is not going as well as I would like, but we do have 3 new classes.
  • Bible Studies seem to be going well. People are growing and leaders are developing quickly.
  • Generosity is a true characteristic of our church. We have recently given a few thousand dollars to the Bald Knob school system. As a community we are attempting to save our school from a 2.2 million dollar deficit.
  • Problems never go away. Besides growing pains many families are struggling and experiencing difficult circumstances. Satan never stops distracting us from our purpose.
  • Building Plans are on the verge. Temple has a new worship building that is debt free. A research committee will soon be formed to start the process of building a multipurpose center with education space.
  • Tradition is becoming a thing of the past. I mean our church is evolving and everyone seems to be ok with that. I don’t even where a tie on Sunday mornings! Praise God! Jesus would not where a suit today. Sunday morning was a record service with no special event at the number 137.
  • Music Ministry is struggling. We have some real talent, but they are not working together to lead worship as of yet. Look out near future!
  • New To Ministry- Tommy Slinker threw down for a few minutes last night. He preached his first message and brought tears to my eyes. One of the things he said was “I am still a sinner, but I have learned how to fight sin- This is what I do: When I wake up in the morning I think about Jesus-When I get to work I think about Jesus- When I get home in the evening I think about Jesus-When I go to bed at night I think about Jesus-Sometimes I even wake up in the middle of the night and have been dreaming about Jesus!” PREACH ON BRO!

Friday, August 31, 2007

John 3:18

"He who believes in Him is not condemned; but he who does not believe is condemned already, because he has not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God." John 3:18

"Don't condemn me." We here this type of lingo all the time. In many Christian circles people are moving so far from the idea of judgment toward sinners that they take a very vague stand about everything including God. The best way to condemn someone is not to say a word to them about Jesus. Jesus' words to the pharisees were harsh, but he wasn't here to condemn them. If Jesus wanted to condemn the pharisees he would have never opened his mouth to them. Instead he said things like, "Unless you repent you shall all like wise perish." Luke 3:13. The pharisees were condemned already because they did not believe on the name of the only begotten Son of God!

Let's speak up and share Jesus!

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Pray For A Wind!

Last night in our Bible study we started talking about some new ways of doing ministry. We are starting to plan for some huge evangelism pools. We want to take over our city! The people here at Temple are getting excited about reaching people with the gospel. We are on the verge of an outbreak! I said all of that to say that I just got a call from a good friend here in the church. He wanted to talk a minute about spreading the fire that is burning among us. I thought for a minute and said, "the only way I know to spread a fire is to pray for a WIND!" We need a fresh wind on this fresh fire that is burning.

Spread the Seed-Spread the Fire... There is this ancient seed called the Gospel-if you spread it, a fire begins to burn where it grows.

The Key Is Passionate Diligence
"In the morning sow your seed, And in the evening do not withhold your hand; for you do not know which will prosper, Either this or that, Or whether both alike will be good." Ecclesiastes 11:6 (work hard-don't let anything stop you)

My prayer: Lord every where we spread the seed do your thing to make it grow!

Friday, August 24, 2007

Raise Your Expectations

We expect too little when it comes to reaching people, but too much when it comes to what we want for ourselves.

People are going to Hell, we want a new car, and instead of praying for God's power to witness we are praying for the money to buy the car! God's people must rearrange their priorities and start praying for souls to be saved! The following is my favorite verse in the Bible.

"Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that works within us..." Ephesians 3:20

Raise your expectations about God's power to change lives and he will use you as a tool in the process!

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Friend Day

We have begun 7 weeks of planning and preparation for Friend Day. We expect to have over 200 on September 30th. This will give us the opportunity to share the gospel and our best friend (Jesus) with people that are confused and hopeless. This is an attempt to reach unchurched people, not friends that attend other churches of like faith. Please pray for us as we desire to take over the city of Bald Knob in the next few years!

Pre-Deer Season

I don't think I have ever been so excited about bow hunting. October 1st is just a few weeks away. I've been feeding corn (they are eating it), and buying odds and ins for opening day! Dad and I have a 2 day hunting trip planned in the big Strawberry AR Oct. 1-2. I hope to top last year's eight point on opening morning (wishful thinking never hurt anyone).

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Temple Baptist DVD

Thanks to Jerry Smith “THE VIDEO MAN”, we have an eight (8) minute DVD that members can hand out to friends and neighbors-and immediate learn about our church and Savior. This is a great tool for evangelism. Thanks Jerry!

Monday, August 13, 2007

Tom Slinker

God has absolutely changed a man in our church. Several months ago Tom was a casual once in while attender. He was a member but not very faithful. Three months ago after worship he told me, "Billy, I'm going to join the church now." I said, "I thought you were already a member." He responded, "I am, but I'm REALLY going to join the church!"

Since he told me that he has been to every worship meeting and every Tuesday night Bible study. He has led several people to the Lord, and brings visitors every week. He taught a class for the first time last wednesday night and the students loved it. This man is on fire!

God still changes people-don't ever give up on anyone! Tom's fire is starting to spread!!!!!!

Wednesday, August 08, 2007

My Prayer Today

Lord, today I worship you. I realize that I need you just as much today as the day I was saved. Please take me and use me for your honor and glory. I don't care what the world thinks about my devotion to you, I desire to please you and only you. Accomplish your will in my life. Help me to be kind, loving, and forgiving as I minister to those in my path. I'm sorry that I fail you so often, but I am very thankful for your grace and mercy. Keep me from temptation and the evil one. In Jesus Name. Amen.

Thursday, August 02, 2007

Para Animarle!

Este blog sin acentos es para mis amigos que hablan en español. Mi teclado no le gusta funcionar bien acerca de los acentos en las letras (disculpa).

Buen dia Amigos! Que Dios les bendiga con todo su gracia y misericordia. Espero que se encuentre bien en el lugar que Dios le ha puesto. Le quiero escribir siete cosas importantes para recordarle...

1. Dios quiere estar cerca de usted en cualquier situacion.

2. Dios quiere que se comunique con el todos los dias.

3. Dios quiere que usted estudie su palabra todos los dias.

4. Dios quiere que usted sea un buen testimonio todos los dias (en aciones y palabras).

5. Dios quiere que usted comparta el evangelio con las personas que se encuentre en su camino.

6. Dios quiere que usted tenga una actitud que refleje la de el Señor Jesus.

7. Dios quiere que usted confie en el cada segunda que respire.

"todo lo puedo en Cristo que me fortelece" Filipenses 4:13

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Consistency = Influence (bad or good)

I have friends who pastor large churches, small churches, no churches, and others who lead out in parachurch organizations. Many of them disagree with each other while some simply want to see results from the other. In observing and being in conversations with these select individuals I have learned one thing for sure. Whatever your philosophy or ministry mentality is make sure you keep JESUS and the SCRIPTURES at the core, and winning the lost as your goal. Also, philosophy and mentality have less to do with the results-CONSISTENCY is the key. I think the “Top 50 Most Influential Church List” clarifies the point of consistency. There are many different backgrounds on that list, but where there is consistency there seems to be influence. Check out the list at or click the link below.


We finished Jonah on Tuesday night. Jonah chapter four tells us why Jonah was so passionate and willing to preach to the people of Nineveh. He had convinced himself that God was going to destroy Nineveh even though he knew deep down God was loving and patient. The book ends with God having the last word. God made clear to Jonah that He is sovereignly in control and that no one deserves his mercy and grace, not even the religious, Jonah.

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

My Space

Today I found 750 people that live in a 10 mile radius of our church. In the last 2 hours I have sent out 120 messages on My Space and already have unchurched people writing back interested. Wow!

The following in one of many messages I have received.

"sir, i thank you for the adress to your church. i work at the hopital in searcy and i am usally to tired to go. byt i promise i will try to come. if you would pastor could you pray for me to have the lord help my ex wife regain her love for me, so i can get my family back. she just recently divorced me, and it is tearing me apart. i love her with all of me. thank you. Brian"

This was my third message from Brian. Please pray for him and his family.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Evangelism-Church Growth

The following post is made up of thoughts from a recent email I sent out about evangelism.

Relationship Building
Relationships produce the most results. Statistics are clear that friends reaching friends is the most effective way to reach people. We are about to start a 7 week campaign using Elmer Towns Friend Day Program. I have used it twice and more than doubled our attendance both times. This campaign provides many new prospects to follow-up on. Awana is another great evangelism ministry that helps in building relationships. We really work on visiting our Awana kid’s families-this is one of the best methods I have been involved in. Special events like Harvest Fest, Christmas banquets, Day Camps, and Bible Schools all prove to work in the relationship building arena. The follow-up obviously being the key! Most of the individuals that have been saved and baptized in the last few months at Temple started attending our church because a friend invited them.

Other Tools & Methods
We are about to have another tool-Jerry Smith will be with us August 12th to make a DVD about our church which will also include me sharing the gospel. This is a great tool that anyone in the church can pass out.
I have recently started walking people through the first few pages in the gospel of John (

Any program is an elementary training process for people that have never shared their faith. Programs get churches started in evangelism. The ultimate goal should be that evangelism becomes a lifestyle, and not a program. My personal opinion is that if the majority of the church members are living the lifestyle of evangelism the program is needed especially to follow-up on ALL the prospects. Frequent preaching on evangelism, Heaven, and Hell seem to keep people motivated in the area of evangelism.

Door Knocking Still Works
The door to door method does not produce as many results as other methods, but seeds are planted and occasionally people are saved. The Jehovah’s Witness and Mormons seem to like this method! They have more results because they do more of it-like every day. I have recently visited one man (5) times. The first time he closed the door in 2 seconds. The second time-1 minute, third time-5 minutes, fourth time-10 minutes, 5th time-30 minutes and I shared the gospel with him. He was a hair away from trusting Christ, but I didn’t push him. I am praying for him and believe he will be one of the next soul winners in our church. There is another aspect of this method that I have experienced, but don’t understand. I guess it goes back to the GROW principles. Immediately when we began our evangelism ministry floods of visitors started attending our church. To God be the Glory!

This past Sunday evening after I preached our church was in the altar praying for specific names of people who are lost. Multiple individuals prayed at different times, then I closed our prayer time. I believe we all left more excited about sharing our faith. I felt like I was in a “book of Acts” church service!

Having good tools for follow-up is important. We printed a special invitation that includes a simple Salvation presentation, a What’s Next? section that talks about the new life as a believer and next steps, and a schedule of our services. Scheduling a Bible study at the moment someone trusts Christ is the soul winner’s responsibility. Project One Generation is a great tool for discipleship (Faith Bible Institute offers this material at no cost if I’m not mistaking).

My greatest desire is to become a more concerned soul winner.