Thursday, July 26, 2007

Consistency = Influence (bad or good)

I have friends who pastor large churches, small churches, no churches, and others who lead out in parachurch organizations. Many of them disagree with each other while some simply want to see results from the other. In observing and being in conversations with these select individuals I have learned one thing for sure. Whatever your philosophy or ministry mentality is make sure you keep JESUS and the SCRIPTURES at the core, and winning the lost as your goal. Also, philosophy and mentality have less to do with the results-CONSISTENCY is the key. I think the “Top 50 Most Influential Church List” clarifies the point of consistency. There are many different backgrounds on that list, but where there is consistency there seems to be influence. Check out the list at or click the link below.

1 comment:

David P Smith said...

I like your website and the emphasis on unreached people groups. Keep on the side of consistency. Consistent soulwinning and outreach always works and will bring back a lot of churches from the brink of death and stop the decline.
David P Smith