Wednesday, November 28, 2007

A Plan That Works!

I’m tearing apart the ideology most common to my affiliated work. Our focus has been shifted to maintaining an organization instead of obeying the commands of Christ. I know this is going to blow some out of the water, but Jesus never said, “Go start churches.” Jesus never suggested the sinner’s prayer. He never invited someone to church for all we know. His words were/are clear, “Make disciples of all nations” or “Teach all nations.” Church buildings are not holy or sacred in the eyes of God-it is the body/life of the believer that is to be holy and set apart for God. Our mission has become too much about being a true church instead of being true followers (disciples) of Jesus Christ. Call it a play on words, I call it a mixed up mission!

My point is simple, the spiritual growth of a “church” is generally defined by how well all the members participate in the organization instead of how they live (7) seven days a week. Who cares if everyone brings a bible to church-do they read it when they are not on the church property? Who cares if they show up on Sunday night-are they spending quality/spiritual time with their families during the week? Who cares if Darrel knows how to pray publicly-does he pray in his closet? Who cares how big the church is-are the people lifting up holy (clean) hands to God? Who cares that Jim hasn’t missed a service his entire life-has he ever made a disciple?

Yes, the church is the byproduct of making disciples, but are we going about things the wrong way or even backwards? We need to redefine our priorities!

1. Salvation comes by someone putting their confidence completely in Jesus after hearing the gospel. It is a personal decision of the heart expressed by calling out to the Lord. John 3:16, Romans 10:9-10, 13

2.Genuine faith initiates a desire to follow. John 10:27, James 2

3. Fellow disciples hold the responsibility of mentoring the ones embracing Christ by faith. Acts 9:19, 2 Timothy 2:2

4. Each person of faith is to be baptized for the sole purpose of obeying Christ and NOT to join a church. Acts 2:38, Matthew 3:13-17 (yes I know it’s a requisite to being in the body of a local church)

5. The first thing a new disciple should learn to do is to reproduce themselves by making new disciples. If this is not learned nothing else matters. Matthew 28:18-20, Acts 1:8

6. After one begins to reproduce themselves the process of learning varies in subjects ONE at a time beginning with loving God, then loving others, and everything that falls under those two categories such as prayer, giving, and good works pertaining to others. Matthew 22:37-40, James 2

7. Discipleship takes place through a variety of avenues like one on one mentorship, small group Bible studies/prayer groups, and yes even congregational worship meetings. All of which could take place at different locations (not purchased or set apart for worship).

If the above principles are used in dependence upon the Jesus who commissioned the “church” visible results of life change will be frequent! To make disciples is to add or even multiply to the body. A church that is not making disciples dies!


Anonymous said...

Okay, Billy, then what do you make of these two verses? "...upon this rock (Jesus, the Christ, the son of the living God) I will build my CHURCH; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it." (Matthew 16:18,caps and parenthesis mine). "Unto him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus throughout all ages, world without end." (Ephesians 3:21) Hey, come off of it, man. Everybody knows that a church is a group of scripturally baptized believers called out by Jesus Christ covenanted together to carry out the Great Commission and not a building.

Billy Howard said...

I whole heartily believe and teach the importance of being a local church like the one Jesus started. I love the scriptures you posted. I have been clear in previous post that the command to make disciples was given to the church. I also said, “a church is the byproduct of making disciples.” If you read the comments I posted on your blog you shouldn’t be confused about my position on the church. Also, “Church Life” is one of my core values posted on the right hand column of my blog.

The subject matter in this thread has to do with our mission, not the doctrine of the church. You said, “We all know the church is not the building.” I agree we say we know this, but I have older mature church members that think the sanctuary is a holy place. They think the pulpit is part of the church, etc. I know we articulate this in our teaching, but how many of our church members are making disciples and not just meeting on the church property a couple of times a week. The focus has become centered around what takes place on the church property instead of living the lifestyle that makes disciples on a daily basis!

There is a fine line that is not easy to communicate in one post concerning this subject. For this reason there is the option of comment posting. It is easy to be misunderstood and I hope this clears up whatever reason you posted what you did. If someone reads what I wrote and gets excited about making disciples and has a renewed vision for life change, instead of just measuring the success of the church by who and how often people attend or by the idea of “where 2 or 3 are gathered together glorifies God” then to God be the glory for the eye opener. I am not disputing the need to be pure in doctrine as a church, but you can be pure in doctrine (vocally) and not be making disciples! My point is we need to teach every member to reproduce themselves by making disciples.

I think you should reread my post and you will see clearly gathering as a church is mentioned in number (7).

I’m curious from your perspective how what I wrote contradicts the verses you shared?