Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Ministry Plans

Prayer leads to strength and power, but it also keeps me humble. Prayer reminds me that ministry is not about me and my wild ideas, but about God and His plan for changing lives. I certainly believe that God leads us to use certain plans and strategies to reach people, but I think once He leads us usually we take the plan on by ourselves and forget we need Him to follow it through!

What has to happen for an idea or plan to work?

1. God has to ignite the plan with His power.

2. We have to stay connected to Him for strength to follow through.

3. We have to remain consistent in all other areas of ministry.

4. Jesus and other life changing Biblical truths must be at the core of the plan.

Getting people to show up for something different isn't that hard, but inserting Jesus and truth is what changes lives. If we get people to show up and there is no life change, something went wrong with the plan!

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