Friday, June 22, 2007

Life with the Life Giver

Jesus has been misunderstood by the promotion of religion. Jesus isn’t looking for religious followers, but people who desire to experience LIFE with the LIFE GIVER! I’m not sure who will read this, but my reason for posting this entry is to offer hope to anyone struggling with answers about life. If that is you, the following truths should encourage you.

1. God loves you no matter what has happened in your life. He is not to blame, but He does have a way out!

2. As Creator, God has prepared a wonderful place for you to spend eternity. He doesn’t desire suffering for anyone, but paradise for everyone!

3. God sent His one of kind Son (Jesus) to become the bridge for you to enter into Heaven. Jesus paid your sin debt when He died on the cross. Because He rose from the grave (seen by hundreds) you can live forever with Him! This new life can begin here and now.

4. God simply asks that you call on Him, based on what Jesus did for you, and He will answer your call.

“God demonstrated His love toward us in that while we were sinners Jesus died for us.” Romans 5:8

“Whoever calls on the name of the Lord (Jesus), will be saved (made new and given a home in heaven).” Romans 10:13

It is evident that all of humanity has a problem called sin. We have missed God’s mark or standard of holiness. For this reason we need His plan of redemption. The following prayer is one that recognizes Jesus as the only answer for this great problem we have.


Dear Jesus, I’m a sinner who needs your forgiveness. I believe you died on the cross for my sin and rose from the grave so that I could be redeemed for eternity. I trust you to save me, because I cannot save myself. Thank you Jesus for your love, understanding, grace, and mercy. In Jesus name, Amen.

Please write for more information about God’s changing power!

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