Tuesday, November 27, 2007

The Refuge

If I were to start a church today and probably will later, I would/will call it The Refuge. I have thought about this a lot and think it's the perfect name. A church is made up of saved baptized believers who encourage one another to live for Jesus-who is our REFUGE-therefore with Jesus as our Refuge and believers commanded to meet together to encourage/exhort one another what better name! Also, it is a name that calls to the unbeliever to come and find refuge in Christ.

A church is a place where sinners come together to learn how to live a better way. No one is perfect, but needs guidance. I can hear it now... "What church do you go to? Dude, I go to Refuge, its awesome, you ought to come and check it out! Everyone is normal, even the pastor, and there aren't a bunch of people staring at you because you aren't dressed like them."

If your church isn't open to sinners then you better leave!

Is your church a place of Refuge?

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